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Demystifying Smash and Grab Adjudications A Closer Look at This Construction Dispute Resolution Tool


In the intricate world of construction, disputes are as commonplace as plans and hard hats. However, not all disputes are created equal, and some can impact a project's progress and financial stability significantly. This is where "Smash and Grab Adjudications" come into play. In this blog post, we'll demystify this construction dispute resolution tool and explore its significance in the industry.

What is a Smash and Grab Adjudication?

A "Smash and Grab Adjudication" is a specific type of adjudication process often used in the UK construction industry. It typically arises in payment disputes between parties involved in a construction project, primarily between contractors and employers or clients. This dispute resolution method has earned its unique name due to its quick and straightforward nature.

How Does It Work?

The process begins when a party (usually the contractor) alleges that the other party (typically the employer or client) has failed to make a proper payment under the terms of the construction contract. This alleged failure to make a valid payment is often referred to as a "smash." In response, the contractor initiates an adjudication to "grab" the payment owed to them.

Here's a simplified step-by-step breakdown of how a Smash and Grab Adjudication works:

1. **Notice of Adjudication:** The contractor issues a Notice of Adjudication to the other party, formally initiating the process.

2. **Appointment of an Adjudicator:** The parties agree on an adjudicator or request assistance from an adjudication service provider.

3. **Submissions:** Both parties submit their arguments and evidence to the adjudicator, who reviews the case.

4. **Decision:** The adjudicator issues a decision, often within a tight timeframe, typically ruling in favor of one party and specifying the amount to be paid.

5. **Payment:** The losing party is required to make the payment specified in the adjudicator's decision, regardless of the merits of their claim.

Why Are Smash and Grab Adjudications Important?

1. **Payment Enforcement:** Smash and Grab Adjudications serve as a mechanism for contractors to enforce timely payments, ensuring they receive what they are owed.

2. **Speed:** These adjudications are known for their rapid resolution, which can help prevent cash flow issues for contractors.

3. **Reduced Legal Costs:** Compared to lengthy court proceedings, adjudications are often more cost-effective.

4. **Contractual Adherence:** They encourage parties to adhere to the terms of their construction contracts, promoting fairness and accountability.

Controversies and Criticisms:

Despite their advantages, Smash and Grab Adjudications have faced criticism:

1. **Potential for Abuse:** Some argue that this process can be abused by contractors seeking quick payments without considering the validity of their claims.

2. **Lack of Finality:** The decisions made in these adjudications are often provisional and may require subsequent proceedings for final resolution.


Smash and Grab Adjudications are a unique and rapid way to resolve payment disputes in the construction industry. They offer a crucial tool for contractors to enforce their rights and maintain cash flow during projects. However, their use and effectiveness should be considered within the broader context of construction contract law and dispute resolution mechanisms. Understanding this process is vital for all stakeholders in the construction industry to navigate payment disputes effectively.

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